benefits of being sober

The Benefits Of Being Sober You Should Know About

There’s an outdated idea that getting sober means giving something up — saying goodbye to partying, excitement, fun, and excitement. Yet, nothing could be further from the truth. When you give up drugs and alcohol, you’re opening yourself to thinking clearly and new opportunities. There is no reason that a sober life must be a boring life. In fact, going into treatment and getting into recovery often leaves you with the health, energy, and motivation to live life to the fullest. Enjoy the many benefits of being sober after treatment! 

What Does It Mean to Be Sober? 

After drug and alcohol addiction treatment, the brain and body adjust to sobriety. A former addict may feel “out of whack” or even experience temporary cravings. An addict needs to create a sober support system, either with friends, family, or both. Being sober includes being clear-headed and not relying on alcohol or other drugs as a coping mechanism or an escape from reality.

The brain and addiction go hand in hand since how much and long a person abuses drugs determines the fate of proper functioning in the brain. When sober, people avoid potential overdose, long-term health complications, and cognitive decline or brain damage. 

Be Sober & Be Vigilant 

If you’re wondering how to be sober, there is good news. All you need to do is be yourself and say no to drugs. Many people hate being sober because they deal with a mental illness or are overwhelmed by stress and use alcohol or other drugs to relax. Often, this self-medication leads to substance abuse. 

Here are some benefits of being sober: 

You’re at your best

When you’re addicted to drugs or alcohol, your life is dictated by the substances that you’re dependent on. You’re either taking them or wondering when you can get your hands on them next. Even when you’re not actively using or securing drugs, your mind wanders to substances.

But when you get sober, that constant nagging is released. Sure, you’ll experience cravings or temptations now and then. But in the day-to-day, your mind is healthier and able to think about the big questions in life: who you are, what brings you happiness, and how to live the most fulfilled life possible.

You’re healthy

One of the greatest gifts that recovery gives you is your health. Being addicted to substances leaves you at risk for a myriad of illnesses, including coronavirus. And even when you’re not confronting serious illnesses, you’re constantly navigating the experience of being hungover or dope sick.

Once you’re sober, your body can start healing from years of substance use. As your body begins repairing itself, you’ll start feeling healthier than ever. You’re able to hike or bike further than you could when you were using. You have the bandwidth to strain your mind and body by learning new skills, rather than just operating at the lowest level.

You’re brave

Living through addiction and coming out the other side is a terrifying experience. Anyone who has been in treatment for substance use disorder can probably point to their own personal rock bottom — oftentimes a moment when they didn’t know whether they would live or die.

Once you’ve seen yourself at your worst, or wondered if your life would go on, other things suddenly seem less scary. You’ve pushed through the worst of the worst and survived. Many people find it freeing, allowing them to try new things, whether it’s putting yourself out there into the dating pool or trying a scary activity like rock climbing.

You’re more financially secure

Addiction zaps your resources. Your time, money, and effort are all directed at your next high. Once you get on your feet in recovery, you’ll likely find that you have more energy, freedom, and financial resources to pursue the things that really bring you joy.

When you were using, things like travel and higher education probably seemed out of reach. But now that you’re sober, those are realistic possibilities that you can pursue.

You’re in control

When you’re addicted, you’re ruled by your disease. When you’re sober, you are in control. You get to decide what life sounds exciting to you. If you want to dance and party, there are plenty of places that host sober clubbing experiences. If your idea of fun involves plays or theater, you can do that. And if you prefer outdoor activities, you’re more able to engage with them when you’re not chasing your next fix.

A life of addiction might be full of unknowns — which some people find exciting. It is also full of illness, financial consequences, and limitations on your ability to try new things. When you get sober, you open yourself up to a world of opportunities and the freedom to pursue them.

