Xanax Addiction Treatment

Orange County Drug & Alcohol Rehab

Xanax® Addiction

Xanax® is a prescription medication classified as benzodiazepine and it is used for treatment of those suffering from anxiety and panic disorders. It works by dampening the inhibitory receptor of the brain and consequently reducing any abnormal excitement. Anyone is prone to Xanax addiction if taken in large amounts and over prolonged periods of time. This therefore implies that even if you take it in the prescribed amounts, you still stand a high chance of getting addicted if you use it for a long period of time.

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Signs and symptoms of Xanax Addiction

Xanax® is one of those drugs whose signs and symptoms of addiction will be manifested in almost every aspect of the user’s life. The most pronounced however are:

  • If you find yourself thinking about the next supply even before you finish your current stock
  • If you are experiencing psycho-motor disorientation in the sense that you are finding it difficult to articulate your words
  • If you are building tolerance to a point that you no longer feel the effects of the drug in your body
  • If you experience withdrawal symptoms during the periods when you are not taking the drug.

It is also very common for the addict to turn to other drugs when they are out of supply of Xanax®.

Effects of Xanax® abuse

The use of Xanax® over a long period of time can result into a number of health complications to the user. Since it is a central nervous system depressant, Xanax will greatly affect how the mind functions. For instance, the user may experience a lack of coordination within the various body parts, confusion and disorientation, slurred speech, memory impairment, and sometimes cases of severe sedation that might go on for even three days.

It is imperative that if you have Xanax addiction then you should choose an appropriate rehab program so that you don’t have to worry about the long term effects of the medication.

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Xanax Detox and Withdrawal

Detoxification from use accompanies these probable withdrawal symptoms: loss of appetite, increased sensations, blurred vision, muscle twitching, tingling, and numbness. Therefore, it’s not recommended to discontinue the treatment without previously talking to your doctor. You will most likely be recommended a gradual withdrawal, which will involve taking less and less of this medicine every several days. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should be cautious with taking Xanax, as it has been reported to cause congenital disabilities in unborn babies and pass into breast milk, affecting the health of a nursing baby.

As discussed above, there are pros and cons to taking any drug, and Xanax® is no exception. Xanax has a high potential for abuse, and irresponsible hands can lead to disaster. Xanax works as a tranquilizer of the Central Nervous System, and its effects are pleasant enough that some people would abuse it for recreational purposes. On the other hand, even if that’s not your intention, prolonged usage of Xanax can lead to a buildup of tolerance to its effects, which will make you take bigger and bigger dosages of the cure. An increase in dosage can easily lead to addiction. Though it’s not too difficult to kick it cold turkey, the withdrawal symptoms are still far from pleasant, so you need to be careful, responsible, and never take more than your doctor prescribed. When used according to the doctor’s instructions, Xanax is an invaluable tool for dealing with anxiety – be careful of its dark side.