benefits of being sober
The Benefits Of Being Sober You Should Know About There’s an outdated idea that getting sober means giving something up — saying goodbye to partying, excitement, fun, and excitement. Yet, nothing could be further from the truth. When you give up drugs and alcohol, you’re opening […]
Can Life be Fun WITHOUT Alcohol or Drugs Sober Living
Can Life be Fun WITHOUT Alcohol or Drugs?   It’s True, Believe It Or Not Getting and staying sober can be an intense journey as you process new and better ways to live without alcohol. For all your hard work, it’s also important to preserve a […]
Staying in Recovery Sober Living
Staying In Recovery Recovery gives us the ability and skills to deal with the “normal” issues we face in life: loss of loved ones, loss of relationships, empty nesting, career changes, physical impairment, and grieving. Recovery is a process not an event. Life is a continuum […]
Recovery Journey
The Recovery JourneySobriety gives us the ability and skills to deal with the “normal” issues we face in life: loss of loved ones, loss of relationships, empty nesting, career changes, physical impairment, and grieving. Recovery is a process not an event. Life is a continuum of […]
avoid hitting rock bottom
Rock Bottom – How You Can Avoid Going There Many people involved with treatment and recovery for substance use disorder used to believe that for someone to be ready to accept help, they first need to hit rock bottom — the point where they could sink […]