Active Recovery
Being Active In Recovery The people you surround yourself with may influence your recovery or hasten a relapse. The people that surround you are a reflection of yourself. When you leave treatment, you are no longer the person you once were, but are instead a brand […]
Outpatient Treatment Helps Chronic Relapse
How Outpatient Treatment & Sober Living Help The Chronic Relapser Treatment facility professionals will usually discuss with patients and their families, the need for outpatient treatment.  You may have heard the terms extended treatment or sober living after completing the initial detox portion of a program.  […]
Sober Living
Why Choose A Sober Living Facility? While many may be familiar with the detox and initial stage of the recovery treatment process.  A phase which sees people receiving extensive psychotherapy and counseling, participating in group activities and learning important life skills that help form a foundation […]
Can Life be Fun WITHOUT Alcohol or Drugs Sober Living
Can Life be Fun WITHOUT Alcohol or Drugs?   It’s True, Believe It Or Not Getting and staying sober can be an intense journey as you process new and better ways to live without alcohol. For all your hard work, it’s also important to preserve a […]
reasons you're better off sober
Sober? 5 Reasons You’re Better Off There’s an outdated idea that getting sober means giving something up — saying goodbye to partying, excitement, fun and impulsivity. Really though, nothing could be further from the truth. When you give up drugs and alcohol, you’re opening yourself up […]
Fun Sober Living Activities
Fun Sober Activities Fun Sober Activities can be crucial for long term sobriety.  For most of us, the path to behavioral change reaches many crossroads. Since recovery is a program of action sometimes, we have to move our feet in directions our heads are unwilling to […]
Tips For Sober Living
Tips For Maintaining Your Recovery Recovery takes action. You can start simply by setting your alarm earlier in the morning, getting up, making your bed. You can do things like clean the house, or something that you’ve put off for some time. Go to a meeting, […]
Recovery Journey
The Recovery JourneySobriety gives us the ability and skills to deal with the “normal” issues we face in life: loss of loved ones, loss of relationships, empty nesting, career changes, physical impairment, and grieving. Recovery is a process not an event. Life is a continuum of […]