excuses people make for not getting addiction treatment
Addiction Treatment: 8 Excuses People Make To Avoid It Making excuses in order to get out of something we don’t want to do is an everyday occurrence. There is an excuse for just about anything. If you don’t want to go to the gym, or go […]
avoid hitting rock bottom
Rock Bottom – How You Can Avoid Going There Many people involved with treatment and recovery for substance use disorder used to believe that for someone to be ready to accept help, they first need to hit rock bottom — the point where they could sink […]
childhood trauma leads to addiction
The word trauma is used today more than it ever was ten years ago. While some people might feel like the word is overused, many mental health professionals would say that we’ve just become better at recognizing the lasting impact that events — from losses to […]
addiction and your brain
Addiction & Your Brain If you’re of a certain age, you probably are familiar with the famous “This is your brain on drugs” commercial about drug abuse and addiction. In the 30-second spot that aired in the 90s, a man holds up an egg (“This is […]
what to know about nutrition and addiction
5 Important Things To Know About Nutrition & Addiction Drug or alcohol use takes a massive toll on your body. Drugs and alcohol can affect the way that your brain regulates neurotransmitters, and the health of your cardiovascular system. All too often, the impact of addiction […]
breaking free from codependency
Breaking Free From Codependency Do you find that you’re always the one giving — to friends, strangers or loved ones? If you’re always giving but getting little back in return, you might be experiencing codependency. Many people who are in treatment for addiction or who come […]
when to consider outpatient treatment
Addiction treatment facility professionals will usually discuss with patients and their families, the need for outpatient treatment.  You may have heard the terms extended treatment or sober living after completing the initial detox portion of a program.  The reason for this is results.  It has been […]