Going To Rehab When You Work At Northrop Grumman

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When you work for Northrop Grumman, admitting that you have an alcohol or drug use problem will be tough. As a government and military contractor, the company has a strict policy on the use of drugs and controlled substances.

If you have a security clearance as part of your work, drug and alcohol use are a serious concern. Will seeking professional help for an alcohol or drug problem affect your work at Northrop Grumman?

The quick answer is, yes, it’s likely. Northrop Grumman is required to abide by federal law and maintain the highest levels of ethics. Above that, the company also produces highly sensitive products that could affect the safety of countless lives.

However, if you don’t face your problem and seek help now, your addiction will fester and cause problems at work. When that happens, the consequences will likely be severe.  If you seek help now, you have an excellent chance of getting your life in order and preventing serious disciplinary action. 

If you’re abusing alcohol or taking controlled substances, seek professional help voluntarily before it becomes a serious problem. Luckily, Northrop Grumman is very proactive about offering employee assistance for such problems.

Northrop Grumman's Policy on Alcohol and Illegal Drug Use

Northrop Grumman’s Code of Ethics and Business Conduct outrightly prohibits the use of alcohol, controlled substances, and illegal drugs. This guideline is specific to include substance use on its premises and during work. This is part of the company’s compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act, which is required of all government contractors.

Moreover, Northrop Grumman recognizes the safety benefits of unclouded judgment, awareness, and sound decision-making. Any substance that impairs these abilities is a serious problem in the workplace.

Alcohol is legal, so its moderate use is usually not a problem when done away from the workplace. However, its misuse indicates challenges with impulse control and raises questions about your integrity and dependability.

For these reasons, Northrop Grumman requires drug screening during pre-employment checks. Even though the company rarely conducts post-employment screening, it is a possibility at any time. 

The company will likely test you if you have a high security clearance or if you start displaying irregular behavior. For example, in 2010, Northrop Grumman investigated allegations of drug use at its Newport News shipyard. 

The investigation also included students in the company’s trade school, which goes to show how seriously Northrop Grumman takes drug use. Due to the nature of the company, any misconduct can be a matter of national security. 

Going to Rehab When You Have a Security Clearance

The federal government gives and administers security clearances for Northrop Grumman and other defense contractors. As an NG employee with a security clearance, you abide by the same rules as the military and other security arms.

However, do not fear seeking help because it may affect your security clearance or your job at Northrop Grumman. In fact, if you voluntarily seek help for alcohol-related problems, your case may be treated as a medical problem. If this is the case, your substance use will be protected as a medical problem. 

If your treatment is successful, you will likely face minimal or no administrative action. Especially if you have no major issues such as alcohol-related workplace incidents and arrests.

When it comes to the use of illegal and controlled substances, the government is much more strict as these are outlawed. If you have been involved in the misuse of prescription drugs or the use of illegal substances get help immediately.

If you are serious about making a life change, you need to be open to the possibility of consequences. The good news is that, after demonstrating success with a rehabilitation program and no recurrence, most people get their life back.

The government also considers many mitigating factors concerning drug use, such as:

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Northrop Grumman's Employee Protection for Voluntary Rehab

Did you know that legal protections are in place if you seek voluntary help for alcohol and drug-related problems? In addition, Northrop Grumman has extensive resources you can take advantage of to overcome your problem while working for the company.

For one, the FMLA and the ADA provide federal workplace protections for recovering and past drug addicts.

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The Americans With Disabilities Act

The Americans With Disabilities Act protects you from discrimination while recovering from alcohol and drug abuse. 

The ADA act recognizes drug addiction as a disability in some cases. However, this protection is limited under the following conditions:

The Act requires employers to provide “reasonable accommodation” for eligible employees. For example, Northrop Grumman would be required to provide you with a modified work schedule. They may also provide you with a leave of absence to help you seek addiction treatment. 

The FMLA Act

The Family and Medical Leave Act entitles you to take unpaid but job-protected leave for family and medical reasons. This includes 12 workweeks in a 12-month period for “a serious health condition”. This health condition must make you “unable to perform the essential functions” of your job.

Since the ADA  recognizes addiction as a medical condition, Northrop Grumman is required to provide unpaid leave.

The ADA and FMLA acts do not protect you from disciplinary action related to your substance use. Northrop Grumman can still terminate you if your behavior warrants this action. For example being consistently late to work, engaging in workplace misconduct, or not showing signs of recovery. 

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Northrop Grumman's Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)

Human talent is the most valuable resource Northrop Grumman has, so the company genuinely cares for its employees and their families. As part of its support program, NG provides an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through NGCare.

Part of the EAP’s mandate is to provide professional counseling and support services for all employees and their families. That includes support for legal, financial, and medical problems. 

Northrop Grumman’s EAP caregivers are trained and certified in a wide range of mental and behavioral health areas. We strongly recommend that you seek help through the program because you will not be disciplined for it. 

However, most of these protections no longer apply if you fail to seek help voluntarily (self-referral). If your employer is forced to take action on your behavior and substance abuse, you may not be protected. That’s why it is essential to take the first step towards seeking help for any alcohol and drug-related problems immediately.

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Get Help Today

One of the most important steps to recovering from alcohol and drug addiction is to seek help from a rehabilitation facility. At Finish Line Recovery, we provide expert help and long-term recovery programs designed to help you get your life back.

We have specialized programs tailored to various drug addictions and treatment options. These include medication-assisted treatment, Christian-centered programs, and a unique Executive Program tailored to your work and lifestyle.

We understand the sensitivity and care that your addiction treatment needs. Get help now and bring your life back on track.