3 types of therapy
3 Types Of Therapy You Can Try Today For Substance Use Disorder There are many stereotypes about therapy and counseling. When you think about drug and alcohol treatment, you might picture yourself facing a therapist on an opposing couch, or sharing your worries and concerns in […]
childhood trauma leads to addiction
The word trauma is used today more than it ever was ten years ago. While some people might feel like the word is overused, many mental health professionals would say that we’ve just become better at recognizing the lasting impact that events — from losses to […]
addiction and your brain
Addiction & Your Brain If you’re of a certain age, you probably are familiar with the famous “This is your brain on drugs” commercial about drug abuse and addiction. In the 30-second spot that aired in the 90s, a man holds up an egg (“This is […]
when to consider outpatient treatment
Addiction treatment facility professionals will usually discuss with patients and their families, the need for outpatient treatment.  You may have heard the terms extended treatment or sober living after completing the initial detox portion of a program.  The reason for this is results.  It has been […]